Leeds Alert – Business Resilience Network Event

On Thursday 23rd June at the Leeds Alert / Business Resilience Network Event, sponsored by Leeds City Council, Stuart Hyde QPM outlined the need for business and police to work together. As part of a question and answer panel together with the Regional Cyber Crime Team he answered a range of concerns about Europol, Security online and the range of support available to business and citizens in Yorkshire and Humberside.

The event included a range of excellent speakers; Sunguard Services, Blue Logic Computers and an outline of how Belle Isle Tenant Management Organisation was providing a local and bespoke service for its members.

In his presentation, Stuart highlighted the need for local businesses to demonstrate that they are taking reasonable precautions to address their cyber risk. In particular: implementing the 10 steps to cyber security, seeking Cyber Essentials accreditation, and joining the Cyber Security Information Sharing Partnership (CiSP).

These reasonable steps will help local businesses to understand the risks threats and potential harm they face.

Using research conducted by CENTRIC at the University of Sheffield Hallam, Stuart outlined initial findings that demonstrated the level of Cybercrime across Yorkshire and Humberside and how it relates to “physical” crime such as thefts and assaults.

Aql will be publishing a report of its findings shortly from the research they have sponsored with CENTRIC.

Any company or organisation interested in protecting itself and wanting to learn more about Yorkshire Humberside CiSP can contact Stuart Hyde via [email protected].

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