Inbound SMS relay API

All aql numbers support inbound SMS messaging. To provide the maximum flexibility to your business, we provide this API to allow you full control over how and where these SMS messages are delivered.

Access to the SMS relay API is via the following gateway URL:

The gateway accepts both HTTP GET and POST.

Modify the number


If you wish to adjust the SMS delivery mechanism for a number, you need to provide the
following parameters to the API.

Parameter Type Required Length Description
Command Alphanumeric Yes   Value must be “modify”
Username Alphanumeric Yes   aql username
Password Alphanumeric Yes   aql password
Number Alphanumeric Yes   The number you wish to modify
Action-type Alphanumeric Yes   See “delivery methods” below
Action-detail Alphanumeric Yes   See “required action detail” below
Return-mode Blank No   See separate return-mode parameters document
Return-format Blank No   See separate return-mode parameters document


If the request was successful,
the following will be returned (unless return-mode is set to ‘url’)

<status_code>: <description> 
number: <number>
  action-type: <action-type>
  action-detail: <action-detail>

If the request failed for any reason,
the following will be returned.

<status_code>: <description>

Query number


If you wish to query the current SMS delivery mechanism for a number, you need to provide the following parameters to the API:

Parameter Type Required Length Description
Command Alphanumeric Yes   Value must be “query”
Username Alphanumeric Yes   aql username
Password Alphanumeric Yes   aql password
Number Alphanumeric Yes   The number you wish to query
Return-mode Blank No   See separate return-mode parameters document
Return-format Blank No   See separate return-mode parameters document


If the request was successful,
the following will be returned (unless return-mode is set to ‘url’)

<status_code>: <description> 
number: <number>
  action-type: <action-type>
  action-detail: <action-detail>

If the request failed for any reason,
the following will be returned.

<status_code>: <description>

Delivery methods

The following as possible delivery methods that could be used for receiving SMS via the relay.

Action Available via API? Information
null-route Yes Messages are not delivered anywhere and only logged at aql.
Email Yes Forward the message via email.
httpget Yes Forward the message via a HTTP GET request.
httppost Yes Forward the message via a HTTP POST request.
mvno No This indicates the number is currently being used in conjunction with our MVNO offering. If the action type of a number is currently set to ‘mvno’, this means that the messages cannot be forwarded to any external destination. In addition, if you modify the action type from ‘mvno’ to some other method of delivery, this will mean that MT messages will no longer be delivered to the MVNO sim this number is associated with. They will, however, be delivered to the destination you set. It is important to note that you are NOT able to set the action type of any number to ‘mvno’.

aql cannot be held responsible for any non-delivery of MVNO messages caused this kind of modification.

Required action detail


The action-detail parameter is not required for the ‘null-route’ action-type.
For all others it must be provided.

httpget and httppost

In this case, action-detail must be a callback URL.
If you wish to provide more than 1 callback URL, please separate them by commas.
If multiple URLs are provided, successive URLs will only be called if the previous URL could not be contacted.

There are message specific variables which can embedded within your URL(s).
All possible values can be found in the inbound SMS to UK landline numbers API document.



In this case the action-detail parameter must be a list of email addresses.
Each email address will be sent a copy of the message.

Response codes

This table lists all the response codes that the gateway can return.

Status Description
200 OK
400 Bad request
401 Authentication error
500 Internal system error
600 Invalid Command
69001 Number not valid
69003 action-type is invalid
69004 action-detail is invalid for the provided action-type

Return mode

To make the API more flexible, you can set the format of the response.
For further information on setting the return-mode and return-format parameters, please see the separate return-mode documentation.


Note that while the example below only uses the HTTP GET method however you can also use HTTP POST.

To modify the SMS endpoint

Data Value
command modify
username myusername
pasword mypassword
number 44113000111
action-type httpget

You would need to assemble the following:

If the request was successful,
you would get a result similar to:

status * 200
number * 44113000111
action-type * httpget  
action-detail :

If the request was not successful,
you would get a response similar to:

69001 * number is invalid