Case study: Milonic

Providing Services Since 2002

Milonic is a software company specialising in web-based applications and tools. One of our longest-standing customers, Milonic first began using our services in 2002 when they sought our domain and hosting support expertise.

While both companies grew and expanded, a partnership opportunity became apparent in 2008. The partnership leverages Milonic’s expertise in creating interactive web tools and navigation scripts and aql's wide range of telecommunications APIs for creating fixed and mobile interactive products.

Upgrading with Colocation

In 2017, aql further empowered Milonic by providing colocation services in our state-of-the-art Leeds-based data centres. This move has enhanced Milonic's infrastructure and data security, allowing them to focus on their core business of developing innovative web-based applications. As a colocation customer with servers in our data centre, Milonic gains access to our “network of networks”, a wealth of heavily interconnected networks that offer full geographic resilience and span multiple sites across the UK and into Europe.

Through aql's support and partnership, Milonic has been able to expand their capabilities, reach new markets, and stay at the forefront of technology. Our ongoing collaboration serves as a testament to the power of strategic partnerships in driving innovation and success over the course of more than two decades.

“We have been a partner of aql for more than 15 years and a customer for over 20. Their professionalism, breadth and depth of knowledge, and cutting edge technological solutions have been key factors in our choosing to stay with them since 2002.” - Andy Woolley, Managing Director, Milonic