Email to speech
Our email-to-speech platform is designed to easily convert emails to synthesised speech messages in order to compliment our reliable SMS messaging service. Reach out to your mobile customers, staff members, colleagues and business partners by sending synthesised speech messages from any email software or server through our secure email-to-speech gateway. All you need to do is create an aql account.
By using the email-to-speech platform, you can:
- Use any email software to deliver voice messages directly to a mobile number
- Easily communicate with users who have landline or mobile phones on networks which will not accept SMS text messages
- Deliver voice text messages to multiple contacts or an entire list of mobile numbers
Your brand on our email-to-speech gateway
You can re-brand and resell our email-to-speech platform, by registering your domain on our sister website a-q.co.uk, e.g. yourname.co.uk.
Your customers would send their emails to [email protected].
Get in touch
Speak to our expert team today.