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Find out how aql can change the way you communicate...
A secure, simple-to-use messaging portal.
We offer our customers an online portal to send SMS and self-service their aql accounts.
20 years of cyber security expertise.
We're been keeping your data safe for over 20 years. Our portal is delivered over secure and fully encrypted channels and supports the real-time deletion and encryption of SMS sent items to maintain confidentiality. You can find out more about our commitment to security here.
Our portal lets you:
- Send single messages
- Set up, and send SMS to, your online contact list
- Set up, and send SMS to, distribution lists
- Send instant or scheduled (date and time) messages
- Set message originator
- Send one-way or two-way messages
- Receive replies to either your SMS or email inbox
- Top up messaging credits
- Set messaging credit reminder notifications
- Transfer messaging credits
- View and pay invoices
Delivered over fully-encrypted channels
Supports real-time deletion and encryption of SMS
Everything you need in one place
Visit the aql customer portal