Short codes
Our premium short codes SMS platform gives you a flexible, easy way to receive SMS text messages from your customers. Short codes are memorable five-digit mobile numbers, such as 64446.
By using our dedicated or shared SMS short codes, you can:
- Give your customer a memorable number to instantly contact you via SMS
- Increase the conversion rate from your SMS marketing campaigns
- Gain revenue from your campaigns with our premium reverse-billing option
- Use our no-extra-cost SMS option, allowing your users to send you messages at their standard network rate
- Store responses directly in our secure database
- Access your data anytime, anywhere through your aql account
How does it work?
Shared short codes
You can use aql's memorable short code (64446) as a low-cost solution. All you need is an aql account where you can choose up to 10 keywords to announce to your contacts. Your customers' SMS is required to begin with a predefined keyword, such as 'info'. For example, you could create a campaign encouraging your customers to "Text 'info' to 64446 for more information".
Dedicated short codes
We can provide you with your own dedicated short code with unlimited keywords. You can either integrate our HTTP API or configure our platform to email you with any inbound messages. You can also configure an auto-response to any inbound message.
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300 free messages
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