Our SMPP (short message peer-to-peer) platform is designed for high-volume SMS text messaging users or wholesale channel partners, and aql is directly connected to the UK fixed and mobile networks. If you need an alternative way to send high volumes of messages, SMPP offers you a fast, reliable and secure gateway at a competitive price.
Why choose SMPP?
Our SMPP service give you more flexibility and functionality than our standard bulk SMS solution:
- Faster: Up to 300 messages per second per connection
- Less overhead: Less load on your application
- Can failover: We can offer you multiple outbound gateways spread across our different sites
- Can loadbalance: We can deliver inbound traffic to more than one of your platforms to loadbalance as needed
We offer a fully-compliant SMPP test profile as part of our wholesale service. The test profile allows your developers to simulate a real production environment (including delivery receipting) without incurring the costs of sending messages.
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300 free messages
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