• The aql story

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August 17th, 2016

TechLink: Bridging UK – Estonia Opportunities

Chris Holtby, UK Ambassador to Estonia, addresses Estonian delegation at TechLink event hosted in aql®’s headquarters.

Following a series of trips to Estonia, Adam helps found TechLink, a UK-Estonia technical collaboration platform that has led to numerous collaborations between companies and start-ups in two countries.

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September 22nd, 2015

aql buys BlueWave.

BlueWave logo

aql purchases Isle of Man-based BlueWave Communications following the death of its founder, Stuart Baggs (a former contestant on The Apprentice).

Stuart had worked closely with aql as a customer and partner for many years and had deployed similar technology on the Isle of Man to that deployed by aql. He’d also collaborated on several innovative Wifi projects with aql’s development teams.

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May 10th, 2015

Birth of NorthInvest.

NORTH INVEST - We fund bright ideas

In 2015, Adam identified a need to give tech startups better access to funding and created NorthInvest – a not-for-profit mutual which brings together angel investors and entrepreneurs across the North.

February 10th, 2015

Northern Powerhouse concept launched at aql HQ.

aql’s HQ, the historic Salem Chapel, hosts then-Prime Minister David Cameron and then-Chancellor of the Exchequer George Osborne for talks as part of the government’s plan to improve the Northern economy. The “Northern Powerhouse” concept is launched following this event.

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January 14th, 2015

South Point acquired for data centre.

aql DC5 South Point data centre

aql buys a 57,000 sq ft former council building located at South Point, Leeds with plans to convert the site into another data centre.

May 10th, 2012

aql goes big in Education.

Jisc: Janet Network

By 2012, aql has become the main regional hub for many of the large national fibre networks and is the main northern gateway for the UK academic network, known as “Janet”.

May 10th, 2009

IXLeeds founded.

iXLEEDS logo

By 2009, Adam Beaumont had built aql’s first datacentre within this building and co-founded IXLeeds, the UK’s first mutual, not-for-profit internet exchange outside London.

May 10th, 2008

Discovery of Salem Chapel.

Salem Chapel, aql HQ

In 2008, driven by the need to increase the resilience of aql’s services, Adam Beaumont had looked to establish a physical site to allow aql’s services to become independent of the datacentres in London. At that time, all networks interconnected in the capital and to the two UK internet exchanges based there. Adam identified a building in the correct location in Leeds – an old chapel sat at the convergence of the many UK fibre networks.

May 10th, 1998

aql is born

aql is born

Adam Beaumont founds aql in 1998 as a domain registrar and hosting company at the beginning of the “internet boom”.

Adam expands further into telecommunications in 2003, transforming aql into a full network operator, capable of supplying UK telephone numbering to the broadband industry to fulfil the growing demand for broadband voice services (VoIP).

aql would add more than 40 million telephone numbers over the next decade – making it one of the largest wholesale numbering operators in the UK – and provide services via open standards and protocols to the UK internet service providers.

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