• The aql story

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November 13th, 2019

aql Founder & Chairman, Professor Adam Beaumont considers the impact the advent of 5G will have on our services.

5G is a set of standards describing how we can better convey data. Also at higher speeds and lower delay to end devices, whether phones, cars, buses, trains or drones. There’s also new specifications to decide which traffic is the most important, meaning that, for example; medical imaging from an ambulance, or safety data from an autonomous vehicle could be given preference. There’s a lot of good design within these standards to help us build smarter cities.

However, in hand with this, there’s a lot of discussions relating to health concerns and risks around 5G. Should we be worried?

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September 1st, 2019

aql raises the bar and sets digital challenge to Leeds.

Child Friendly Leeds Digital Skills

aql CEO and Founder Professor Adam Beaumont has thrown down the gauntlet to digital businesses in Leeds by challenging them to make a series of commitments to help young people in the city have better access to digital education and work experience.

The challenges were set following Adam’s talk at the Child Friendly Leeds Digital Skills event in September 2019.

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July 23rd, 2019

Shaping Tomorrow’s City, Today.

Tomorrow's Cities. The ecosystem outside London.

CEO & Founder, Professor Adam Beaumont welcomed the Lord Mayor of London, Peter Estling, to the aql headquarters to discuss economic growth across the Northern Powerhouse and the ecosystem outside of London. He welcomed him not only on behalf of Leeds, but also on behalf of the Republic of Estonia, as Hon Consul.

The Lord Mayor visited Leeds to meet with a range of key stakeholders from the public and private sectors, including financial and professional businesses.

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July 1st, 2019

aql opens the doors for the Department of Trade and Industry.

Department of Trade and Industry buildings.

aql’s historic Salem Chapel HQ played host to an innovative and impactful ‘Selling Online’ conference for the DTI in July 2019 highlighting the opportunities that selling online provides companies looking to grow their international sales rapidly by tapping into new markets.

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November 7th, 2018

aql hosts Northern Powerhouse fintech showcase.

Prof. Adam Beaumont speaking at the Northern Powerhouse Fintech showcase.

Fintech delegates from the Nordic and Baltic regions visited aql’s historic HQ in Leeds on 7th November as part of the Northern Powerhouse’s ‘International FinTech Showcase’. The three-day trade mission incorporated trips to Manchester and Liverpool, showcasing the North’s position as the best place to enter the UK marketplace.

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July 10th, 2018

aql CEO named Director of the Year for Innovation.

Prof. Adam Beaumont, aql CEO named Director of the Year for Innovation

Prof. Adam Beaumont, founder and CEO of aql and NorthInvest, has been named Director of the Year for Innovation by the Institute of Directors for Yorkshire. This is the second IOD award in as many years for Beaumont, who was named International Director of the Year in 2017.

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June 27th, 2018

aql CEO featured in new book on Leeds innovation.

Book: Leeds: Cradle of Innovation

Prof. Adam Beaumont, founder and CEO of both aql and investment platform NorthInvest, is featured in a new book that explores the history of innovation in Leeds. Written by urban geographer Rachael Unsworth and local historian Steve Burt and funded by more than £53,000 from local businesses and organisations.

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June 14th, 2018

aql strikes five-year sponsorship deal with Cowes Week.

Yacht with aql spinnaker.

aql is delighted to announce a five-year sponsorship deal with Cowes Week Ltd, organiser of the world’s best-known sailing regatta – a highlight of the British sporting summer. aql dipped its toe in the water last year as the Official Communications Sponsor of Cowes Week.

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May 7th, 2018

aql hosts ‘Astronauts wanted’.

Astronaut Helen Sharman CMG OBE, poses for selfie with fan

Britain’s first astronaut, Helen Sharman CMG OBE, and the CEO and Co-Founder of Mars One, Bas Lansdorp, compered by BBC presenter Dallas Campbell, took to the stage for ‘Astronaut wanted, no experience necessary’ as part of Leeds International Festival.

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April 26th, 2018

FinTech North returns to aql HQ for third year.

Fintech North in the aql HQ

FinTech North returns to aql HQ for third annual conference Following its successful first two years, FinTech North will return to aql HQ next week for its third annual conference as part of Leeds Digital Festival. aql has supported, and hosted, FinTech North since its inception.

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